Yarbo Moments: Backer #682 Rick Brant

Allow us to shine a spotlight on Rick Brant, a remarkable member who’s been making waves in our exclusive group “Yarbo Product Pioneers”. Despite only joining PPP only three months ago, Rick’s posts could always attract our attention with the inspiring questions as well as those remarkable suggestions for Yarbo. Discover his captivating Yarbo moments within this “top-secret” file!

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[Top Secret] 0682 – Rick Brant

| 2023-12-07 | “Parade time!” Posted with the video.

Yarbo OS: Finally! Someone unlocked the best use of our tow hitch 😭

| 2023-12-12 | “All I want for Chirstmas is snow, so I can play with my Yarbo.”

Yarbo OS: Should be the anthem of Yarbo Republic🎵🎄

|2024-01-05| “Happy Day! Everything is mapped and it automatically recharges. Good thing because this is my future.” Posted with a pic of the weather report showing snow in the following two days.

Yarbo OS: Yay! Let the storm come for Yarbo❄️

|2024-01-15| “I could have cried…It was just a dusting, but 100% network and 100% GPS. I could hardly see it from my phone in the AM. A reboot made it happy.”

Yarbo OS: We could have cried as well… dizzy with happiness🥹

|2024-01-17| “My poor neighbor is using one of those manuals, gas powered blower.”

Yarbo OS: Do use your Yarbo when your neighbor is out😎

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Our Yarbo Journey

Besides our online interactions, Team Yarbo had the opportunity to visit him twice. Who wouldn’t want to miss the chance to talk to such a humorous and kind member of the Yarbo family? Lynne recalls, “He was incredibly witty, passionate, and supportive. He even prepared the tripod head and audio in his garage for our visit! I’m really grateful for his support.”

Thank you Rick, and everyone, for your Yarbo moments.

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