In the Twin Cities of Minnesota, a story of independence empowered by innovation unfolds with Sheri Meyers. With mobility challenges, Sheri often found herself at the kindness of neighbors or costly services to maintain her yard, including snow removal and lawn mowing. That is why she has been following Yarbo since the early days as SnowBot, witnessing its evolution and updates, envisioning how it would truly enhance her life. And now, her visions have become a reality.
Team Yarbo’s visit to Sheri’s home at the tail end of 2023 wasn’t just a six-hour drive; it was a journey into the heart of why we do what we do. Our conversation with Sheri showcases how technology can not only simplify routine tasks but also restore self-sufficiency and safety to individuals who face physical adversities. Her words, “no matter what life throws at you, Yarbo will help take care of it,” resonate as a testament to Yarbo’s impact, going beyond convenience and touching lives where it truly matters.
Q: Could you please share how your interest in Yarbo initially sparked?
A: I found out about Yarbo when it was still called the SnowBot. You were doing some testing and I signed up. I wasn’t chosen, but I kept an eye on it because I really like the idea. And here in Minnesota, like last year, we got over 90 inches of snow in one winter. So being disabled, I thought, “I need this.”
As I saw the Kickstarter and saw that you went from the Snowbot to the Yarbo, I just kept getting more excited. After that, I took a trip for some medical reasons and came home. I was just frustrated about all the stuff I had going on. I said, “I’m gonna do something to set myself up for the future to make sure that my needs are taken care of”. That’s when I went on Kickstarter and signed up for Snowblower S1 and the Mower M1.
Last winter, you were out here testing, stopped by, said hello, showed it off, and got me more excited. I’m very much looking forward to having it all set up and getting the snow down, so that I can show everyone how well Yarbo works, especially for someone like me who uses a ramp and who has mobility issues.
Q: Can you share with me how you can imagine Yarbo is going to impact your life or your lifestyle?
A: It will be amazing. I have mobility issues, and I usually use a walker, and on bad days I use a wheelchair. On really good days I still need to use a cane, with which it is almost impossible and very hard for me to go out, use a shovel and remove the snow myself. So knowing that Yarbo is able to go up the ramp in front of my house and get the majority of the snow off means everything to me.
With yarbo, I don’t have to be out there at 3 AM during snowfalls, trying to clean it off a little at a time. I don’t have to worry about paying someone a lot of money to drive to my house, or asking the neighbors to take time out of their day to clean it up. Instead, Yarbo is going to do the job for me.
With Yarbo, I can stay in my house for as long as possible, as I need a wonderful healing space for my medical care, while ensuring my needs are met for outdoor chores that otherwise I wasn’t able to do. Yarbo is helpful for people that have large yards and don’t want to spend once a week trying to clean it up a yard or clean up a big driveway, and rather spend more time with family. But it is such a huge blessing for people who have mobility issues, who might be older or just really want to make sure that we’re nice and safe around our home.
Q: What messages would you give to others who are considering Yarbo?
A: I’ve been talking to a whole lot of people about Yarbo already, especially other disabled people. I have been telling them how it benefits us so much. I told them Yarbo takes a load off your mind because you don’t have to worry about whether you have energy or physical ability that day to take care of what you need to do.
Plus, I share a driveway with my neighbors and I park my car in the garage. Yarbo can go and clean off my area, and then I can set up a second area and send Yarbo to go clean off the left over on their driveway for them while they are at work. After they’ve helped me out for so long, I get to repay the favor.
I want to tell everyone how wonderful this will be, how it gives you back your time, your effort, your energy and keep you safe. No matter what life throws at you, Yarbo will help take care of it.